Blast protein sequence search

    Protein sequence(s) search using blastp (Altschul et al. 1990) against a VirHostNet interacting protein sequences database (viruses + host sequences).

    Browse by Viruses taxonomy.

    Browse Virus/Host (VH) protein-protein interaction dataset according to taxonomy lineage of viruses (Baltimore/Family/Species/Leaf taxon).

    Browse by Keywords annotations

    Browse Virus/Host (VH) protein-protein interaction dataset according to Uniprotkb keyword annotation.

    For each category, the number of annotated proteins (#Annotated proteins), protein interacting with those proteins (#Interacting proteins) and the number of virus/host, virus/virus protein-protein (#Virus/host interactions) are provided.

    Quick access to :
    • Host cell receptor for virus entry [KW-1183] Virus/Host network
    • Innate immunity [KW-0399] Virus/Host network
    • Autophagy [KW-0072] Virus/Host network

    Interology web service

    The Interology web service facilitates the prediction and the visualisation of virus-virus and virus-host protein-protein interactions from raw primary protein sequences (virus or host protein in .fasta format).

    Network summary.

    VirHostNet model virus/host interactome as an undirected graph both for visualisation and data exploration. Indeed, graph theory provides some metrics which are helpfull to rank host and viral proteins according their centrality and their location within the whole set of possible interactions identified experimentally. The viral degree of a protein (kv) represents the number of viral partners of a protein.The host degree of a protein (kh) represents the number of host partners of a protein.
    The Figures below are drawn directly from the virhostnet backend with the d3 data-driven document, javascript library.

    Fig. 1. Histogram distribution of the viral degree (kv) of host proteins computed within the whole virus/host protein-protein interaction network.

    In this release of VirHostNet, a total of host proteins are annotated to physically interact with at least one viral proteins (kv >=1) and might be considered as viral host factors. A total of and host proteins were allready found to interact experimentally with at least 2 (kv >=2) and 10 (kv >=10) viral proteins respectively.

    Fig. 2. Scatterplot between the viral (kv) and host degree (kh) of host factor proteins.

    Human data

    Fig. 3. Histogram distribution of the viral degree (kv) of human proteins computed within the whole virus/human protein-protein interaction network.

    In this release of VirHostNet, a total of human proteins are annotated to physically interact with at least one viral proteins (kv >=1) and might be considered as viral host factors. A total of and human proteins were allready found to interact experimentally with at least 2 (kv >=2) and 100 (kv >=100) viral proteins respectively.

    Expert biocuration of virus/host protein-protein interactions

    Since 2006, the VirHostNet team is involved in the manual biocuration of virus/host and virus/virus protein-protein interactions by following international standard (MITAB 2.5 format). VirHostNet use a fast biocuration process (Accession Number of proteins, Experimental methods, PMID) and is complementary to more in depth biocuration actions including those promoted by the IMEX consortium (MITAB 2.7 format).
    The Figure below is drawn with the rickshaw javascript toolkit.

    Year PMID Title Authors Journal #vp #hp #ppi #ppi(nr) PSI-MI
    Year PMID Title Authors Journal #vp #hp #ppi #ppi(nr) PSI-MI

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protein-protein interactions filters


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virus/host data origin filters